Starting Your Own Purse-Impressions Chapter is Fun and Rewarding!
- Adopt a rehab, treatment or sober living facility.
- We are flexible with types & number of facilities a chapter supports
- Responsible for establishing a relationship with the facility and explaining the program
- Collect purses locally
- High end or small evening bags send to the Boutique. Purse-Impressions will pay for shipping
- Bags should be in good condition; we use the guideline if you would carry it then its acceptable
- Backpacks will be supplied by head office, but can also be collected locally
- Arrange storage of purses
- Collect other items to be placed in purses and backpacks
- Hygiene kits will be sent from PI but other items like makeup, socks, journals etc. to be collected locally
- Organize # of stuffing’s and donations per year (based on facility’s needs)
- Organize local volunteers
- Raise cash donations where possible to help support the charity nationally
- Send pictures for social media posts and website
- Participate in board meetings.
- Approximately 3-4 a year by zoom
- Provide all marketing materials
- Rack Cards
- Notecard that goes in purses and backpacks
- Business cards
- Thank you notecards
- T-shirts
- Other SWAG or printed materials
- Purchase and send
- Hygiene kits
- Backpacks
- Write and distribute press releases nationally and locally
- Local media contacts supplied by chapter
- Supply Books of Courtney M.
- Support misc. chapter costs (pre-approved) such as
- Storage fees
- Local advertising
- Chamber membership